Unigen Seeds Spain joins EUCARPIA Tomato 2022 – june 2022

From May 31 May to June 3, Valencia hosted the XX EUCARPIA Meeting of the Tomato Working Group. EUCARPIA is the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding.

Juan Manuel Requena, our tomato Breeder, represented Unigen Seeds Spain. Requena described this forum as a significant meeting to “keep up with the latest and newest materials, advancements and techniques that will have an impact on the agriculture of the future”. And he added that “it is the best way to develop cutting-edge varieties that meet the increasingly high standards of both national and international markets”.

In this edition, the community of public and private researchers interacted with tomato breeders from different countries and companies. They held many meetings for sharing their vision about present and future challenges, and the differences between traditional and technological agriculture.