Summer 2023

For us, July, August and the beginning of September have been marked by different Field Days, international trips and visits from customers and growers. 

June ended up with the starting of Lleida campaign and our attendance at the International Seed Congress hosted by the ISF in South Africa. July started with the annual trip to Bakersfield (California) to participate in UG International Cucurbit Field Day.

At domestic level, we received first visitors to Lleida trials starting July 15. Until now, national and international customers, UG Spain team members as well as other colleagues from the US, Japan, Italy, etc. have joined our Field Days in the area.

In Lleida, tomato SUKAPINK remains our greatest asset. This variety stands out for its high Brix, bright pinky color and long shelf life, and it is ideal for spreading on bread or fresh thanks to its excellent flavor. 

In August, part of our team traveled to Parma to participate in the 2023 Field Days hosted by UG Italia, where we also shared experience with our international colleagues. 

What will the next few months hold for us? For now, Almería is going strong with blocky pepper EFEK-TIVO at the start of 2023-2024 campaign. For the second year in a row, the variety shows an excellent performance despite high temperatures.